OREAS L16 was prepared from a blend of high grade gold-bearing ore and barren metasediments and basalt. The gold ore was sourced from the Agate Creek Gold Project located in the Etheridge Goldfield of northern Queensland, Australia. The project is hosted within a metamorphosed turbidite sequence of interbedded sandstones, siltstones and shales. Epithermal and meso thermal gold mineralisation occurs within quartz veining, stockworks and breccias associated with Permian felsic volcanic units and Proterozoic batholith. Twenty-eight commercial analytical laboratories participated in the program to certify Gold by fire assay.

Analyte Certified Value 1SD Expanded Uncertainty Low Expanded Uncertainty High Method
Au, Gold (ppm) 12.97 0.261 12.88 13.07 Pb Fire Assay
Certificate DataPack SDS NRAM (226 KB)
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